Soft-body Physics Simulation
Game2Script Namespace Reference

Pseudo-namespace; it doesn't exist in code or script runtime, only in this documentation. More...


void main ()
 Required; Script setup function - invoked once when script is loaded. More...
void frameStep (float dt)
 Optional; Script update function - invoked once every rendered frame. More...
void eventCallback (Script2Game::scriptEvents event, int param)
 Optional; Invoked if a registered event is triggered, see GameScriptClass::registerForEvent(). More...
void eventCallbackEx (Script2Game::scriptEvents event, int arg1, int arg2ex, int arg3ex, int arg4ex, string arg5ex, string arg6ex, string arg7ex, string arg8ex)
 Optional; if present, will be used instead of Game2Script::eventCallback(). More...
void defaultEventCallback (int trigger_type, string inst, string box, int nodeid)
 OBSOLETE, ONLY WORKS WITH TERRAIN SCRIPTS - Use eventCallbackEx() with event SE_EVENTBOX_ENTER instead, it does the same job and works with any script. More...

Detailed Description

Pseudo-namespace; it doesn't exist in code or script runtime, only in this documentation.