▼ doc | |
▼ angelscript | |
► Game2Script | |
script_callbacks.h | |
► Script2Game | |
► AngelOgre | |
AngelOgre_AnimationState.h | |
AngelOgre_AnimationStateSet.h | |
AngelOgre_Entity.h | |
AngelOgre_MovableObject.h | |
AngelOgre_Node.h | |
AngelOgre_OgreSceneNode.h | |
AngelOgre_Overlay.h | |
AngelOgre_OverlayElement.h | |
AngelOgre_OverlayManager.h | |
AngelOgre_Root.h | |
AngelOgre_SceneManager.h | |
AngelOgre_TextureManager.h | |
AngelOgre_TexturePtr.h | |
(ValueTypes) color.h | |
(ValueTypes) degree.h | |
(ValueTypes) quaternion.h | |
(ValueTypes) radian.h | |
(ValueTypes) vector2.h | |
(ValueTypes) vector3.h | |
BeamClass.h | |
ConsoleClass.h | |
CVarClass.h | |
EngineClass.h | |
GameScriptClass.h | |
GenericDocContextClass.h | |
GenericDocumentClass.h | |
globals.h | |
InputEngineClass.h | |
LocalStorageClass.h | |
ProceduralManagerClass.h | |
ProceduralObjectClass.h | |
ProceduralPointClass.h | |
ProceduralRoadClass.h | |
sound_enums.h | |
SoundClass.h | |
SoundScriptInstanceClass.h | |
SoundScriptTemplateClass.h | |
TerrainClass.h | |
TerrainEditorObjectClass.h | |
VehicleAIClass.h | Simple waypoint AI |
► Script2Script | |
races.as.h | |
► Script2Server | |
globals.h | |
rornet.h | |
ServerScriptClass.h | |
► Server2Script | |
script_callbacks.h | |
ScriptSideAPIs.h | |
▼ doxygen | |
MainPage.h | |
Modules.h | |
▼ source | |
▼ main | |
► audio | |
MumbleIntegration.cpp | |
MumbleIntegration.h | |
Sound.cpp | |
Sound.h | |
SoundManager.cpp | |
SoundManager.h | |
SoundScriptManager.cpp | |
SoundScriptManager.h | |
► gameplay | |
AutoPilot.cpp | |
AutoPilot.h | |
Character.cpp | |
Character.h | |
CharacterFactory.cpp | |
CharacterFactory.h | |
ChatSystem.cpp | |
ChatSystem.h | |
CruiseControl.cpp | |
Engine.cpp | |
Engine.h | |
Landusemap.cpp | |
Landusemap.h | |
RaceSystem.cpp | |
RaceSystem.h | Counterpart to Neorej16's race system script |
RandomTreeLoader.h | |
RepairMode.cpp | |
RepairMode.h | Actor feat - interactive recovery and repair mode |
Replay.cpp | |
Replay.h | |
SceneMouse.cpp | |
SceneMouse.h | Mouse interaction with 3D scene |
ScriptEvents.h | |
TorqueCurve.cpp | |
TorqueCurve.h | Torquecurve loader |
TyrePressure.cpp | |
TyrePressure.h | Wheel 'pressure adjustment' logic (only for 'wheels2') |
VehicleAI.cpp | |
VehicleAI.h | Simple waypoint AI |
► gfx | |
► camera | |
CameraManager.cpp | |
CameraManager.h | |
PerVehicleCameraContext.h | |
► hydrax | |
CfgFileManager.cpp | |
CfgFileManager.h | |
DecalsManager.cpp | |
DecalsManager.h | |
Enums.cpp | |
Enums.h | |
FFT.cpp | |
FFT.h | |
GodRaysManager.cpp | |
GodRaysManager.h | |
GPUNormalMapManager.cpp | |
GPUNormalMapManager.h | |
Help.cpp | |
Help.h | |
Hydrax.cpp | |
Hydrax.h | |
Image.cpp | |
Image.h | |
MaterialManager.cpp | |
MaterialManager.h | |
Mesh.cpp | |
Mesh.h | |
Module.cpp | |
Module.h | |
Noise.cpp | |
Noise.h | |
Perlin.cpp | |
Perlin.h | |
Prerequisites.cpp | |
Prerequisites.h | |
PressurePoint.cpp | |
PressurePoint.h | |
ProjectedGrid.cpp | |
ProjectedGrid.h | |
RadialGrid.cpp | |
RadialGrid.h | |
Real.cpp | |
Real.h | |
RttManager.cpp | |
RttManager.h | |
SimpleGrid.cpp | |
SimpleGrid.h | |
TextureManager.cpp | |
TextureManager.h | |
Wave.cpp | |
Wave.h | |
► particle | |
ExtinguishableFireAffector.cpp | |
ExtinguishableFireAffector.h | |
ExtinguishableFireAffectorFactory.h | |
FireExtinguisherAffector.cpp | |
FireExtinguisherAffector.h | |
FireExtinguisherAffectorFactory.h | |
OgreParticleCustomParam.h | |
OgreShaderParticleRenderer.cpp | |
OgreShaderParticleRenderer.h | |
► skyx | |
► VClouds | |
DataManager.cpp | |
DataManager.h | |
Ellipsoid.cpp | |
Ellipsoid.h | |
FastFakeRandom.cpp | |
FastFakeRandom.h | |
GeometryBlock.cpp | |
GeometryBlock.h | |
GeometryManager.cpp | |
GeometryManager.h | |
Lightning.cpp | |
Lightning.h | |
LightningManager.cpp | |
LightningManager.h | |
VClouds.cpp | |
VClouds.h | |
AtmosphereManager.cpp | |
AtmosphereManager.h | |
BasicController.cpp | |
BasicController.h | |
CloudsManager.cpp | |
CloudsManager.h | |
ColorGradient.cpp | |
ColorGradient.h | |
Controller.h | |
GPUManager.cpp | |
GPUManager.h | |
MeshManager.cpp | |
MeshManager.h | |
MoonManager.cpp | |
MoonManager.h | |
Prerequisites.cpp | |
Prerequisites.h | |
SCfgFileManager.cpp | |
SCfgFileManager.h | |
SkyX.cpp | |
SkyX.h | |
VCloudsManager.cpp | |
VCloudsManager.h | |
AdvancedScreen.h | |
ColoredTextAreaOverlayElement.cpp | |
ColoredTextAreaOverlayElement.h | |
ColoredTextAreaOverlayElementFactory.h | |
DustPool.cpp | |
DustPool.h | |
EnvironmentMap.cpp | |
EnvironmentMap.h | |
GfxActor.cpp | |
GfxActor.h | Manager for all visuals belonging to a single actor |
GfxData.cpp | |
GfxData.h | |
GfxScene.cpp | |
GfxScene.h | |
HydraxWater.cpp | |
HydraxWater.h | |
IWater.h | |
MovableText.cpp | This creates a billboarding object that displays a text |
MovableText.h | This creates a billboarding object that displays a text |
Renderdash.cpp | |
Renderdash.h | |
ShadowManager.cpp | |
ShadowManager.h | |
SimBuffers.cpp | |
SimBuffers.h | |
Skidmark.cpp | |
Skidmark.h | |
SkyManager.cpp | |
SkyManager.h | |
SkyXManager.cpp | |
SkyXManager.h | |
SurveyMapTextureCreator.cpp | |
SurveyMapTextureCreator.h | |
Water.cpp | |
Water.h | |
► gui | |
► imgui | |
imconfig.h | |
OgreImGui.cpp | |
OgreImGui.h | |
OgreImGuiOverlay.cpp | |
OgreImGuiOverlay.h | |
► panels | |
GUI_AngelScriptExamples.cpp | |
GUI_AngelScriptExamples.h | |
GUI_CollisionsDebug.cpp | |
GUI_CollisionsDebug.h | |
GUI_ConsoleView.cpp | |
GUI_ConsoleView.h | Generic console rendering |
GUI_ConsoleWindow.cpp | |
GUI_ConsoleWindow.h | |
GUI_DirectionArrow.cpp | |
GUI_DirectionArrow.h | Race direction arrow and text info (using OGRE Overlay) |
GUI_FlexbodyDebug.cpp | |
GUI_FlexbodyDebug.h | |
GUI_FrictionSettings.cpp | |
GUI_FrictionSettings.h | |
GUI_GameAbout.cpp | |
GUI_GameAbout.h | |
GUI_GameChatBox.cpp | |
GUI_GameChatBox.h | |
GUI_GameControls.cpp | |
GUI_GameControls.h | |
GUI_GameMainMenu.cpp | |
GUI_GameMainMenu.h | |
GUI_GameSettings.cpp | |
GUI_GameSettings.h | |
GUI_LoadingWindow.cpp | |
GUI_LoadingWindow.h | |
GUI_MainSelector.cpp | |
GUI_MainSelector.h | |
GUI_MessageBox.cpp | Generic UI dialog (not modal). Invocable from scripting |
GUI_MessageBox.h | Generic UI dialog (not modal). Invocable from scripting. Any number of buttons. Configurable to fire script events or post MQ messages |
GUI_MultiplayerClientList.cpp | |
GUI_MultiplayerClientList.h | |
GUI_MultiplayerSelector.cpp | |
GUI_MultiplayerSelector.h | |
GUI_NodeBeamUtils.cpp | |
GUI_NodeBeamUtils.h | |
GUI_RepositorySelector.cpp | |
GUI_RepositorySelector.h | |
GUI_ScriptMonitor.cpp | |
GUI_ScriptMonitor.h | |
GUI_SimPerfStats.cpp | |
GUI_SimPerfStats.h | |
GUI_SurveyMap.cpp | |
GUI_SurveyMap.h | |
GUI_TextureToolWindow.cpp | |
GUI_TextureToolWindow.h | |
GUI_TopMenubar.cpp | |
GUI_TopMenubar.h | |
GUI_VehicleInfoTPanel.cpp | |
GUI_VehicleInfoTPanel.h | |
DashBoardManager.cpp | |
DashBoardManager.h | |
GUIManager.cpp | |
GUIManager.h | |
GUIUtils.cpp | |
GUIUtils.h | |
OverlayWrapper.cpp | |
OverlayWrapper.h | |
RTTLayer.cpp | |
RTTLayer.h | |
► network | |
CurlHelpers.cpp | |
CurlHelpers.h | |
DiscordRpc.cpp | |
DiscordRpc.h | |
Network.cpp | |
Network.h | |
OutGauge.cpp | |
OutGauge.h | |
RoRnet.h | |
► physics | |
► air | |
AeroEngine.h | |
AirBrake.cpp | |
AirBrake.h | |
Airfoil.cpp | |
Airfoil.h | |
TurboJet.cpp | |
TurboJet.h | |
TurboProp.cpp | |
TurboProp.h | |
► collision | |
CartesianToTriangleTransform.h | |
Collisions.cpp | |
Collisions.h | |
DynamicCollisions.cpp | |
DynamicCollisions.h | |
PointColDetector.cpp | |
PointColDetector.h | |
Triangle.h | |
► flex | |
Flexable.h | |
FlexAirfoil.cpp | |
FlexAirfoil.h | |
FlexBody.cpp | |
FlexBody.h | |
FlexFactory.cpp | |
FlexFactory.h | |
FlexMesh.cpp | |
FlexMesh.h | |
FlexMeshWheel.cpp | |
FlexMeshWheel.h | |
FlexObj.cpp | |
FlexObj.h | |
Locator_t.h | |
► water | |
Buoyance.cpp | |
Buoyance.h | |
ScrewProp.cpp | |
ScrewProp.h | |
Actor.cpp | |
Actor.h | |
ActorForcesEuler.cpp | |
ActorManager.cpp | |
ActorManager.h | |
ActorSlideNode.cpp | |
ActorSpawner.cpp | Setup instance of Actor from a RigDef document |
ActorSpawner.h | Vehicle spawning logic |
ActorSpawnerFlow.cpp | |
ApproxMath.h | |
CmdKeyInertia.cpp | |
CmdKeyInertia.h | |
Differentials.cpp | |
Differentials.h | |
Savegame.cpp | |
SimConstants.h | |
SimData.cpp | |
SimData.h | Core data structures for simulation; Everything affected by by either physics, network or user interaction is here |
SlideNode.cpp | |
SlideNode.h | |
► resources | |
► addonpart_fileformat | |
AddonPartFileFormat.cpp | |
AddonPartFileFormat.h | |
► odef_fileformat | |
ODefFileFormat.cpp | |
ODefFileFormat.h | |
► otc_fileformat | |
OTCFileFormat.cpp | |
OTCFileFormat.h | |
► rig_def_fileformat | |
RigDef_File.cpp | |
RigDef_File.h | Data structures representing 'truck' file format, see https://docs.rigsofrods.org/vehicle-creation/fileformat-truck/ for reference |
RigDef_Node.cpp | |
RigDef_Node.h | |
RigDef_Parser.cpp | |
RigDef_Parser.h | Checks the rig-def file syntax and loads data to memory |
RigDef_Prerequisites.h | |
RigDef_Regexes.h | Defines regular expressions to verify and pull data from rig-def file. 'E' stands for Expression |
RigDef_SequentialImporter.cpp | |
RigDef_SequentialImporter.h | |
RigDef_Serializer.cpp | |
RigDef_Serializer.h | |
RigDef_Validator.cpp | |
RigDef_Validator.h | .truck format validator |
► skin_fileformat | |
SkinFileFormat.cpp | |
SkinFileFormat.h | |
► terrn2_fileformat | |
Terrn2FileFormat.cpp | |
Terrn2FileFormat.h | |
► tobj_fileformat | |
TObjFileFormat.cpp | |
TObjFileFormat.h | Parser and data structures for TOBJ (Terrain Objects) file format |
► tuneup_fileformat | |
TuneupFileFormat.cpp | |
TuneupFileFormat.h | The vehicle tuning system; applies addonparts and user overrides to vehicles |
CacheSystem.cpp | |
CacheSystem.h | A database of user-installed content alias 'mods' (vehicles, terrains...) |
ContentManager.cpp | |
ContentManager.h | |
► scripting | |
► bindings | |
ActorAngelscript.cpp | |
AngelScriptBindings.h | |
CacheSystemAngelscript.cpp | |
ConsoleAngelscript.cpp | |
EngineAngelscript.cpp | |
GameScriptAngelscript.cpp | |
GenericFileFormatAngelscript.cpp | |
ImGuiAngelscript.cpp | |
InputEngineAngelscript.cpp | |
LocalStorageAngelscript.cpp | |
MsgQueueAngelscript.cpp | |
OgreAngelscript.cpp | |
ProceduralRoadAngelscript.cpp | |
ScriptEventsAngelscript.cpp | |
SoundScriptAngelscript.cpp | |
TerrainAngelscript.cpp | |
VehicleAiAngelscript.cpp | |
GameScript.cpp | |
GameScript.h | |
LocalStorage.cpp | |
LocalStorage.h | |
OgreScriptBuilder.cpp | |
OgreScriptBuilder.h | |
ScriptEngine.cpp | |
ScriptEngine.h | |
ScriptUtils.h | |
► system | |
AppCommandLine.cpp | |
AppConfig.cpp | |
Console.cpp | |
Console.h | |
ConsoleCmd.cpp | |
ConsoleCmd.h | |
CVar.cpp | |
CVar.h | |
► terrain | |
OgreTerrainPSSMMaterialGenerator.cpp | |
OgreTerrainPSSMMaterialGenerator.h | |
ProceduralManager.cpp | |
ProceduralManager.h | |
ProceduralRoad.cpp | |
ProceduralRoad.h | |
SurveyMapEntity.h | |
Terrain.cpp | |
Terrain.h | |
TerrainEditor.cpp | |
TerrainEditor.h | |
TerrainGeometryManager.cpp | |
TerrainGeometryManager.h | |
TerrainObjectManager.cpp | |
TerrainObjectManager.h | |
► threadpool | |
ThreadPool.h | |
► utils | |
► memory | |
RefCountingObject.h | |
RefCountingObjectPtr.h | |
BitFlags.h | Bit operations |
ConfigFile.cpp | |
ConfigFile.h | |
ErrorUtils.cpp | |
ErrorUtils.h | |
ForceFeedback.cpp | |
ForceFeedback.h | |
GenericFileFormat.cpp | |
GenericFileFormat.h | Generic text file parser |
ImprovedConfigFile.h | |
InputEngine.cpp | |
InputEngine.h | Handles controller inputs from player. Defines input events and binding mechanism, see eventtypes , events . Reads bindings from "*.map" file(s) |
InterThreadStoreVector.h | |
Language.cpp | |
Language.h | |
MeshObject.cpp | |
MeshObject.h | |
PlatformUtils.cpp | |
PlatformUtils.h | Platform-specific utilities. We use narrow UTF-8 encoded strings as paths. Inspired by http://utf8everywhere.org/ manifesto. Code based on https://github.com/only-a-ptr/filepaths4rigs |
SHA1.cpp | |
SHA1.h | |
Str.h | |
Utils.cpp | |
Utils.h | |
WriteTextToTexture.cpp | |
WriteTextToTexture.h | |
AppContext.cpp | |
AppContext.h | System integration layer; inspired by OgreBites::ApplicationContext |
Application.cpp | |
Application.h | Central state/object manager and communications hub |
ForwardDeclarations.h | Global forward declarations |
GameContext.cpp | |
GameContext.h | Game state manager and message-queue provider |
main.cpp | |
pch.h | |
resource.h | |
▼ microbenchmarks | |
Bench_TruckParser_IdentifyKeyword.cpp | |
▼ version_info | |
RoRVersion.h | |